Are you happy to suffer downtime when hardware problems arise with your current physical server?
With your current physical server onsite, all it takes is a faulty hard drive, RAM module, motherboard, fan or power supply to require an IT technician onsite for urgent assistance. Waiting for the diagnosis and the proposed solution will cost your business in productivity, let alone the IT service charges on top of that. With a new Easy VPS Cloud Solution, your server is a "virtual" machine because it is hosted across a myriad of hardware servers and redundant locations. Basically, this means there is no single hard drive or power supply etc that your server relies solely on. Behind the scenes, faulty hardware problems that inevitably occur affect none of our VPS machines because they run across the entire system of redundant hardware.
Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.
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