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    Most australian businesses are not harnessing the power of the cloud

    Leave 85% of your competitors behind

    Your Easy VPS Cloud Solution will help keep you in front

Industries we specialise in




10 mistakes small businesses are making with a physical server onsite

Putting up with application slowness on your PCs

Putting up with application slowness on your PCs

Accepting slow access to data over your local network

Accepting slow access to data over your local network

Fearing loss of data in a disaster

Fearing loss of data in a disaster

Tediously managing manual offsite backups on hard drives

Tediously managing manual offsite backups on hard drives

Accepting data loss due to accidental file deletion

Accepting data loss due to accidental file deletion

Fearing the prospect of allowing working from home

Fearing the prospect of allowing working from home

Expecting a physical server to handle business size changes

Expecting a physical server to handle business size changes

Taking a cash-flow hit every few years for server upgrades

Taking a cash-flow hit every few years for server upgrades

Accepting that physical servers inevitably become obsolete

Accepting that physical servers inevitably become obsolete

Accepting costly downtime when server hardware fails

Accepting costly downtime when server hardware fails

  • Putting up with application slowness on your PCs
  • Accepting slow access to data over your local network
  • Fearing loss of data in a disaster
  • Tediously managing manual offsite backups on hard drives
  • Accepting data loss due to accidental file deletion
  • Fearing the prospect of allowing working from home
  • Expecting a physical server to handle business size changes
  • Taking a cash-flow hit every few years for server upgrades
  • Accepting that physical servers inevitably become obsolete
  • Accepting costly downtime when server hardware fails
  • Putting up with application slowness on your PCs

    Are your applications running slow for your staff, or are you constantly wasting too much money on upgrading the performance level of every computer in your business to achieve a good result?

    With your new Easy VPS Solution, your staff will log into it directly. The VPS will be packed full of enough processing grunt to handle more than what you are used to putting your PCs through. All of our VPSs run on fast SSD drives. Most businesses with an Easy VPS Cloud Solution can connect each staff member from a computer as limited as a simple $300 PC stick and enjoy the best application performance possible. Let the VPS do the processing and just use your PCs to connect to it.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Accepting slow access to data over your local network

    Are your applications fighting to read and write data over your local network causing delays and possible software crashes throughout the day?

    With your new VPS, our staff will be running software on your VPS which also acts as a server. Since it is the same single machine, it serves data to your staff's software applications without any network to pass through.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Fearing loss of data in a disaster

    Is your data kept safe in case of a disaster? What would happen if your server was to be irreparably damaged by a fire, flood or hardware damage?

    Having a VPS on the cloud means that your data is safe from your office being destroyed by a disaster including fire, flood and hardware failure. Your server will continue to work for you as long as you can find a computer to connect from and your data will be safe.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Tediously managing manual offsite backups on hard drives

    Are you manually backing up to hard drives and tediously ​swapping them each day to achieve this? How sure are you that they will work in a disaster anyway?

    We integrate a backup package with all of our cloud VPS solutions which not only automatically takes daily backups for your data but also stores a copy on the cloud for safe storage. Many industries demand daily backups for as long as 1 month or more, we build this in by default and take care of it automatically for you. If you need to revert all of your data and databases back it is a walk in the park.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Accepting data loss due to accidental file deletion

    What would happen if one of your staff accidentally (or maliciously) deleted an important file or perhaps your entire set of data folders and files?

    Your VPS keeps files that your staff delete for a certain period of time just in case of an accident. Without even needing to revert to your backups or the comprehensive backup software you can easily recover recently deleted or moved files back to a recent date.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Fearing the prospect of allowing working from home

    Working from home is not just for catching up on work over the weekend, have you considered safely allowing this for particular roles within your company?

    You and your staff can work from anywhere in the world, having your server online makes it easy for you to securely allow your staff to work from outside your office.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Expecting a physical server to handle business size changes

    What if your business grows or shrinks in size, how will you change your IT systems and server specifically to match your requirements without breaking the bank every time?

    Stop over-paying for technology you do not yet need to make your physical server futureproof. Instead, move to an Easy VPS Cloud Solution as it is scalable and can match your business needs month to month. This means you can be on a VPS designed for 5 staff today and bump it up to handle 10 staff tomorrow (and vice-versa). Your costs mirror your requirements month by month as you decide to make changes.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Taking a cash-flow hit every few years for server upgrades

    How much did your last IT upgrade cost you? Large upgrade costs for small businesses are a thing of the past.

    Your VPS is paid for on a monthly basis. You no longer need to fork out your IT expenses for the next 5 - 10 years all at once for a huge physical server setup which will only become old and obsolete over time. Instead of making your business fork out large sums to periodically upgrade your technology, keep your technology working for your business at a peak level, month by month.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Accepting that physical servers inevitably become obsolete

    Physical servers get old, and begin to fail over time, are you going to sit and watch your server's performance annoy you over time into upgrading out of frustration or are you going to finally move away from this dated way of running your small business?

    Since your VPS can be adapted as regularly as monthly to your processing requirements, it will never "get old" in terms of processing power and hard drive capacity. Enjoy an ever-performing VPS which will indefinitely handle your hardware requirements without the fear of the hardware degradation looming over you as it ages.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Accepting costly downtime when server hardware fails

    Are you happy to suffer downtime when hardware problems arise with your current physical server?

    With your current physical server onsite, all it takes is a faulty hard drive, RAM module, motherboard, fan or power supply to require an IT technician onsite for urgent assistance. Waiting for the diagnosis and the proposed solution will cost your business in productivity, let alone the IT service charges on top of that. With a new Easy VPS Cloud Solution, your server is a "virtual" machine because it is hosted across a myriad of hardware servers and redundant locations. Basically, this means there is no single hard drive or power supply etc that your server relies solely on. Behind the scenes, faulty hardware problems that inevitably occur affect none of our VPS machines because they run across the entire system of redundant hardware.

    Why wait? Let us come to you for a FREE technology assessment consultation. Together we can discover which of the advantages cloud computing technology will bring to your business and how to painlessly take advantage of it now.

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  • Putting up with application slowness on your PCs
  • Accepting slow access to data over your local network
  • Fearing loss of data in a disaster
  • Tediously managing manual offsite backups on hard drives
  • Accepting data loss due to accidental file deletion
  • Fearing the prospect of allowing working from home
  • Expecting a physical server to handle business size changes
  • Taking a cash-flow hit every few years for server upgrades
  • Accepting that physical servers inevitably become obsolete
  • Accepting costly downtime when server hardware fails

New Pricing Structure

More information coming soon.

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Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm (EDT)

Onsite I.T. Support charged at $40 (ex GST) per 15 minute block of time (minimum 1 hour)
Remote and Offsite I.T. Support charged at $30 (ex GST) per 15 minute block of time


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Support: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 1300 36 48 48


Mon-Fri 7am - 9am and 5pm - 10pm (EDT)
Sat-Sun and Public Holidays 9am - 5pm (EDT)

Onsite I.T. Support charged at $60 (ex GST) per 15 minute block of time (minimum 1 hour)
Remote and Offsite I.T. Support charged at $45 (ex GST) per 15 minute block of time (only if specifficaly requested by you)


PO Box 3744
Australia Fair 4215, QLD

Free Onsite Technology Assesment Consultation